La Vie Avec Amusement

土曜日, 10月 13, 2007


返房清一清Email,馬上又落去join埋大隊坐10分鐘車去分隔歐亞既Bosphorus河畔,一個巨型帳篷內食Group Dinner。
大老細David Giffin同佢個巴西藉老婆
除左今朝開會既原班人馬外,另加埋下午present marketing plan既德國同事。


Dinner Menu

Salad of Bosphorus Seafood with Rocket Leaves Segment of Orange and Extra Virgin Oil Dressing

Circissian Chicken with Wood Mushroom in Pouch of Philo Pastry Served on Basilic flavoured Tomato Sauce

Grilled Marinated Fillet of Milkfed Veal Served on Charcoal Grilled Aubergine Sauce and Saffron Flavoured Almond Rice Pilaff and Ragout of Paprika
Mastic Flavoured Chocolate Parfailt with Raspberry Sauce