La Vie Avec Amusement

月曜日, 2月 21, 2011

The Oak Door

6pm在lobby等,拉大隊坐巴士到附近Grand Hyatt Hotel 6/F的西餐廳The Oak Door來個group dinner。

呢度係specialise in "premium quality meats and ingredients cooked to perfection in dramatic oak wood-burning ovens, located in an open kitchen"大部份人到點了肉食。

台灣的同事Diana及Joyce,我則跟Marketing VP Charles排排坐,本來應該頗relaxing的,變得formal起來。
價錢當然唔平:Panfried Taraba Crabcakes, "coleslaw" remoulade sauce (2,200yen), Special Selected Japanese A4 Tenderloin 7oz (8,000yen)....我都無再考究紅酒,side dish的mushroom和飯後expresso索價多少,每人埋單應該無$1500都走唔甩吧。