La Vie Avec Amusement

木曜日, 4月 17, 2014


又是我近排的飯堂, 襯同事出外training, 約他們去上環lunch (因為很想試今個星期推出的湯燉羊膝)。

Apple & Green Salad w/ Premium Spanish Ham, Cooked Spinach w/Garlic Seafood
Lamb Shank Pot au Feu (無諗過咁大舊,但真係燉得好稔), Penne Pasta w/Scallops and White Wine Lemon Sauce
American Black Angus Beef with Truffle Potato Gratin and Matelotte Sauce, Roasted Pork Ribs with White Vegetables in Gravy Honey Garlic Sauce

Fruit Monsters with Daily Sorbet, Hot Chocolate Cake with Strawberry