La Vie Avec Amusement

日曜日, 11月 06, 2005







  • I used to be able to express my feelings freely, but I guess I have already past through that stage. 是幸還是不幸?Hard to say. But in the adult world, it's sometimes too risky to express your feelings. You learn to hide your feelings from bad experiences. Perhaps it's ok to hide your feelings in front of others, but one should not lie to yourself. You have to accept your true feelings and think of a way to handle it. Otherwise, it will be too unhealthy la. By the way, what makes you have such thoughts?

    By Blogger Connie, at 11:32 午後  

  • 哈,有感而發。太感性會好容易受傷,咁做人理性d又會唔會係被迫保護自己既一d方法?

    By Blogger Gloria, at 11:48 午後  

  • That's exactly what happened to me la. I'm found myself 太感性 in the past and was hurt many times. To protect myself, I gradually learnt to become more 理性. Now I'm afraid I will become too cold-blooded.... somehow it's kind of hard to draw the line in between.

    By Blogger Connie, at 12:04 午前  

  • This is one of the things that I'm struggling with currently.

    I'm a person who used to say what I feel, but of course, being like that would increase the chance of being hurt.

    I think everyone is different. Choose between more 理性 or 感性 depends on the individual's value set. If the priority is on being secure, being the norm of what society thinks, then, the person will choose to be more 理性. But if the priority is to experience your own unique life, not afraid to take risk even knowing that there is high probability of being hurt, the person will chose to be more 感性. But of course, it also depends on what type of stuff you are dealing with. e.g. business will be more 理性.

    Can't really express this clearly. Though I'm "changing" but deep inside, I think I'd rather be more 感性 on personal stuff as everyone can only live once and no one can predict what the result will be unless one tries it out.

    Not sure if I guess correctly about what's bothering you, but I think if being 感性 won't make you regret in the future, I will choose to be 感性 although knowing may get hurt. No one can predict the result, life is too unpredictable, the result may surprise you. However, if you know the possilbe result of being 感性 will make you regret, then, better to stay being 理性. This is just my view la.

    MSN me if you want to talk more la.

    By Blogger Annie, at 8:59 午後  


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