La Vie Avec Amusement

土曜日, 12月 01, 2007

懷念老地方一:Woodside Square

今日一天內走訪3處此行最想去的老地方。第一個係外婆家對面既Woodside Square。
呢個街角plaza仔,當年我由大學一年級暑假開始響呢度既連鎖藥房Shoppers Drug Mart做student dispenser打工,到畢業回流香港,足足3年多每星期都‘留低唔少腳毛’
Shoppers Drug Mart搬左過隔離舖擴充左。我走後介紹左Gigi頂替我,家陣Shirley仍然每星期六返半日part-time。今朝閃入去黎個突擊探訪,前preceptor(即負責教導我internship既藥劑師)Albert無on shift;反而撞番以前既資深dispenser Cynthia寒暄左幾句。



  • Haha! This Shoppers Drug Mart was where we 1st met. I came to Toronto to visit Martina. She brought me there to buy some stuff and introduced us. 我都懷念Shoppers. I worked there as dispenser/ pharmacist for years too.

    By Blogger Connie, at 11:32 午後  

  • wei wei~did Cynthia recognizes you without you say it first?

    That's cool!

    Oh well, that sad things is that Mr. G is no longer there /(-_-)\

    By Blogger Salad, at 12:23 午前  

  • I also worked at this SDG for 3 months as part time cashier/technician!

    By Blogger Salad, at 12:24 午前  

  • Really???? We met in Toronto at Shoppers? Not after we both returned to HK and Martina asked me to contact you?

    By Blogger Gloria, at 2:52 午後  

  • Yes, Cynthia recognizes me, guess I have worked there for so long (though also left for very long). I didn't know that so many people have been working at this, Gigi, Tina, Shirley, you....

    By Blogger Gloria, at 2:55 午後  

  • Yes! That's where we 1st met. You probably don't remember. You were busy serving customers. I remember you were speaking loudly in Chinese to an elderly and that's why you caught my attention :)

    By Blogger Connie, at 8:49 午後  

  • haha...quite impression is "speaking loudly"?!

    Typical me...

    By Blogger Gloria, at 8:54 午後  

  • Hehe! Speaking loudly and impatiently to an "Ah Sook".

    By Blogger Connie, at 9:00 午後  

  • Haha....that's very "Typically Me"...

    My character is so consistent all these years.

    By Blogger Gloria, at 9:06 午後  


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