東京Hayashi Rice俱樂部
一check-in返Kadoya,就馬上同Shirley坐地鐵大江戶線直達六本木,往開左半年左右既Tokyo Midtown進發。
未開始行呢個新型shopping complex之前,先去food complex既Galleria醫一醫肚。
發現竟然有我至愛既Hayashi sauce(即正宗蛋包飯既啡色汁)為主題既餐廳;裡面只係售一種主食:黑Hayashi Rice。
Hayashi rice (ハヤシライス) is a dish popular in Japanese 'family' restaurants. It usually contains beef, onions, and button mushrooms, in a thick demi-glace sauce which often contains red wine and tomato sauce. This sauce is served atop or alongside boiled rice. The sauce is sometimes topped with a drizzle of fresh cream. It resembles Japanese curry and usually appears on menus alongside curry.
我地兩個都係叫左個"雙味"(即同時有辣同唔辣兩種hayashi sauce)飯。個人比較鍾意原味,因為辣味比較似日式咖哩。
外面有佢自製hayashi sauce瓶裝外賣,雖然好味,但對唔煮食既我,都係忍手無抬一樽返香港。
一check-in返Kadoya,就馬上同Shirley坐地鐵大江戶線直達六本木,往開左半年左右既Tokyo Midtown進發。
未開始行呢個新型shopping complex之前,先去food complex既Galleria醫一醫肚。
發現竟然有我至愛既Hayashi sauce(即正宗蛋包飯既啡色汁)為主題既餐廳;裡面只係售一種主食:黑Hayashi Rice。
Hayashi rice (ハヤシライス) is a dish popular in Japanese 'family' restaurants. It usually contains beef, onions, and button mushrooms, in a thick demi-glace sauce which often contains red wine and tomato sauce. This sauce is served atop or alongside boiled rice. The sauce is sometimes topped with a drizzle of fresh cream. It resembles Japanese curry and usually appears on menus alongside curry.
我地兩個都係叫左個"雙味"(即同時有辣同唔辣兩種hayashi sauce)飯。個人比較鍾意原味,因為辣味比較似日式咖哩。
外面有佢自製hayashi sauce瓶裝外賣,雖然好味,但對唔煮食既我,都係忍手無抬一樽返香港。
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