posted by Gloria at 3:48 午後
-11度喎,你件羽絨又薄又短,點止有d 頂唔住.
By chris, at 8:40 午後
Haha, fortunately I won't be exposed to outdoor that much. There are central heat in buildings.
By Gloria, at 8:42 午後
如果頂唔住, go and buy a new jacket la. Take care and don't get sick ah! You still have trips lining up!
By Connie, at 11:19 午後
小心唔好冷親喎!番去幾日都咁忙,好似帶我地去遊多倫多咁,thank you呀!
By Christina, at 3:01 午前
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當人過了一秒 上一秒就已經過去囉 過去是用來懷念 是用來回億 是用來累積經驗的 而不是用來沉溺和羈絆 每過一秒 上一秒就會成為人生中的一個精采畫面 何不讓下一秒作為一個經典呢
做自己的主人,不要比別人牽著鼻子走。 典型獅子座,凡事大而化之;對事隨心,對人隨緣。
-11度喎,你件羽絨又薄又短,點止有d 頂唔住.
By chris, at 8:40 午後
Haha, fortunately I won't be exposed to outdoor that much. There are central heat in buildings.
By Gloria, at 8:42 午後
如果頂唔住, go and buy a new jacket la. Take care and don't get sick ah! You still have trips lining up!
By Connie, at 11:19 午後
小心唔好冷親喎!番去幾日都咁忙,好似帶我地去遊多倫多咁,thank you呀!
By Christina, at 3:01 午前
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