中學時期開始食All-Bran;雖然佢可能係最難食既cereal,而且溝奶後攪多兩攪會變成雀餿般糊狀物體,但無計,鬼叫佢高纖。(如果唔理卡路里既話,我既至愛係Coco Pops & Special K)
呢個多月食太多零食之故,肥左好鬼多。所以洗心革面要比多d effort去減減減。
尋日聽完個health talk,的起心肝要增加fibre intake。返屋企前在樓下惠康一手執Kelloggs' All Bran同Brown Rice Flakes,一手執高鈣奶同藍莓乳酪去比錢。
比我一個月,要用呢個High Fibre Dairy Diet去減磅。否則四月去台灣真係乜都唔駛食!!
中學時期開始食All-Bran;雖然佢可能係最難食既cereal,而且溝奶後攪多兩攪會變成雀餿般糊狀物體,但無計,鬼叫佢高纖。(如果唔理卡路里既話,我既至愛係Coco Pops & Special K)
呢個多月食太多零食之故,肥左好鬼多。所以洗心革面要比多d effort去減減減。
尋日聽完個health talk,的起心肝要增加fibre intake。返屋企前在樓下惠康一手執Kelloggs' All Bran同Brown Rice Flakes,一手執高鈣奶同藍莓乳酪去比錢。
比我一個月,要用呢個High Fibre Dairy Diet去減磅。否則四月去台灣真係乜都唔駛食!!
Hey also remember to pick LOW FAT milk - increase effectiveness of the routine.
By Shirley, at 12:31 午前
Hey, try Quaker Oatmeal Squares and Post Raisin Bran...very yummy!
By Salad, at 3:38 午前
I usually drink 2% High Cal Milk, Skim Milk is just like white water.
Haha, but the bran content of the cereals you mentioned should be less than All Bran. I can mix with All Bran to improve the taste though.
By Gloria, at 8:10 午前
I take High Cal No Fat milk + Weetabix wholegrain cereal bar, quite good ah ....
By Christina, at 7:28 午後
Weetabix我覺得個口感仲差過All Bran喎。
By Gloria, at 10:45 午後
By crystal31129, at 12:08 午前
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