嘗試不時塗薄身快吸收既Johnson Baby Lotion落腳踭,但無甚效果。真正名為Heel Cream既東西又實在如Vaseline咁油,如果塗上腳踭,真係會一地一床都"黐立立"。
嘗試不時塗薄身快吸收既Johnson Baby Lotion落腳踭,但無甚效果。真正名為Heel Cream既東西又實在如Vaseline咁油,如果塗上腳踭,真係會一地一床都"黐立立"。
See if you can find "Dermal Therapy" Heel Care - use it every day for a bit. Works like magic.
By Shirley, at 12:54 午前
Johnson Baby Lotion is useless on cracked heels. Most heel creams are greasy. Maybe you can use it just before you jump into bed. Then at least your floor is safe. For the sheets, change it more often lor! I am using the heel cream from Boots. It's quite good (relatively not as greasy as others). If you wish, I can buy 1 for you to try when I go to Bangkok at the end of this month.
By Connie, at 12:55 午前
月底?唔駛啦,我試試L'Occitane hand cream,或者會潤d。
香港唔覺有dermal therapy,不過以前試過,好"立"呀。
By Gloria, at 1:09 午前
By Christina, at 1:38 午前
Don't use L'Occitane if you can't stand "立". It's 20% shea butter, buddy!
Naai Naai, if you want to try, you can buy it at Boots in BKK. It's called "deeply replenishing cracked heel cream".
By Connie, at 1:53 午前
By Gloria, at 9:11 午前
I had that same problem too, but in HK, it a bit better for me as compare to being in Toronto!
It says that you need to apply the lotion on as soon as your finished your shower! Lock the moist. Then one more time before you jump into bed lor!
By Salad, at 1:03 午後
哇,咪即係做腳mask咁滯?真係諗起都"立" 喎。
By Gloria, at 5:05 午後
By Christina, at 9:55 午後
Naai Naai,
It's Boots ah! Not Watsons :)
By Connie, at 10:53 午後
Actually Boots has another cream for cracked heel/ dry elbow. It's called "mediterranean olive sage almond wonder balm". It works even better than the "deeply replenishing cracked heel cream" but is more greasy. I don't think Gloria can stand it. You better try the latter.
Wash your feet with warm water, scrub, pat dry and apply cream right away. Then wear socks and go to bed. This is the best treatment....but I am sure you won't be bothered to do all the steps, haha!
By Connie, at 11:00 午後
Watching socks is better than changing bed sheets so often....(I am quite lazy to change bed sheets)...hahahahaha
By Gloria, at 11:24 午後
By Christina, at 11:45 午後
By Gloria, at 12:05 午前
It's reasonable to buy both. The cracked heel cream can be applied to the whole feet since it is not too greasy. You can use it on daily basis in this kind of weather. On the other hand, the wonder balm is for the very very dry area only (eg. the heel).
By Connie, at 12:15 午前
買o黎睇門口都好呀。其實泰國好多foot cream都幾好用o架,因為佢地時時唔著鞋,所以特別注意保護對腳嘛。
By Christina, at 12:23 午前
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