La Vie Avec Amusement

土曜日, 2月 28, 2009



頭髮frizzy既程度有如癲婆,雖然家陣鍾意既殭屍男唔好洗頭,但無理由同佢睇齊。所以忍唔住去Sogo Club 15樓Hairdo,搵Daisukeさん剪掉3吋,再黎個直髮Laruce令佢貼服。3個多小時,多得有部portable DVD陪伴左右,帶住耳筒日劇照煲。



  • Wah, 要打理你的三千煩惱絲還頗貴的!!!

    By Blogger Salad, at 10:23 午後  

  • 天生捲,真係極難manage;所以我都唔明點解d人要電髮。

    By Blogger Gloria, at 10:42 午後  

  • I just bought flight ticket to KL (travelling on the peak days of Easter holidays) $2100....your hair is worth a short trip la!

    Yes... after my March trip to Boracay, I am going to KL for Easter, hehe!

    By Blogger Connie, at 1:15 午前  

  • Travelling so much ah....KL is a bit boring (for me), but not as bad as Singapore.

    By Blogger Gloria, at 7:41 午前  

  • A friend has gone to work in KL. She said it is BORING there. So the purpose of this trip is to visit her :)

    We can plan for a Shanghai trip to visit Annie next time. ^_^

    By Blogger Connie, at 1:14 午後  

  • connie,去KL,一定要食雞肉河粉同腸粉,佢地o的粉好滑!仲有咖哩炒蟹,仲有好多特色甜品o架,講起都唔掂...!不過衰在好鬼熱..濕度又低=乾蒸!

    By Blogger Christina, at 2:14 午前  

  • 乾蒸 is better than 濕蒸 ma, hehe!

    Naai Naai, any particular place has good 雞肉河粉同腸粉??

    By Blogger Connie, at 12:36 午前  


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