La Vie Avec Amusement

日曜日, 6月 18, 2006

Quick Update

下午5pm約左Connie去Sogo Club 12/F一間都幾隱敝既餐廳tea一tea。佢頑強既感冒似乎好得七七八八。因為就食飯,所以只係叫左件超甜既Apple Struddel,update一吓近況。

地點夠靜,傾偈就唔錯。雖然我好甜品,但呢件野實在太甜左d。真係唔知香港邊到有正宗英式既Apple Crumble + warm custard.....


  • The place is good, but the apple struddel is not so good la! I miss apple crumble too. Sometimes they have it in buffet as dessert, but it's not really 正宗英式. (Some don't even have warm custard!) Do let me know if you find a place that serves traditional apple crumble.

    By Blogger Connie, at 12:51 午前  

  • 呢間Reflexion個老闆係糧尾o係理工酒店系o既老師o黎o架,香港+瑞士混血男。o個度o的fusion料理都唔差喎,我多數上去食lunch,有時有龍蝦湯呀。
    以前半島同淺水灣酒店o既apple struddel都好o架,不過...哈哈..真係好耐囉..

    By Blogger Christina, at 1:56 午前  

  • Wah, I haven't seen Connie for so long too. Flu? Get well already? I just catch one, too bad! Guess I worked too hard...64hrs in the past 7 day!

    By Blogger Salad, at 1:35 午前  

  • You are right, Charlotte. We haven't seen each other since our TW trip lor! I missed a few Mrs Liao's dinner on weekdays evenings as I don't usually get off work on time. Hope to see you soon :-) Take more rest for the time being la. The virus out there is really horrible. So many people got sick and the symptoms last at least 1 whole week. You know what? I think the best treatment for a flu is "sleep therapy". It works better than any medicine.

    By Blogger Connie, at 1:43 午前  

  • 我好少感冒(touch wood),但我病既時候唔理佢正常運作仲快好。


    By Blogger Gloria, at 2:31 午前  

  • You are such an exceptional case. Seems like you never need much sleep. Not even when you are sick? Weirdo:-)

    By Blogger Connie, at 12:08 午前  


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