La Vie Avec Amusement

木曜日, 4月 23, 2009

Centrum Yoga Workshop

由經濟日報旗下,"Take me Home"幫手攪名為"美麗有序之由今年出發"workshop,上半部係傳統既營養師health seminar,下半部請到Planet Yoga教授40分鐘瑜伽
Planet Yoga唔收我地錢之外,仲送出5份過千元(當然我都知係賬面價)既會藉,吸引唔少較年青既OL;無平時自己攪既health talk咁多耆英。

連Take me Home既工作人員,都齊齊玩埋一份;我就忙左成日,聽朝仲要早起去九龍灣地鐵睇roadshow,寧願坐響旁邊玩元神出曉(都一樣達到舒緩既效果)。


  • Wah, where you were able to draw that many people to your promo event? How fun!

    By Blogger Shirley, at 10:57 午前  

  • We have print ad and eDM for registration. Actually we paid the newspaper to host this event for us. There is another one coming up in end of May at Tsim Sha Tsui YMCA.

    By Blogger Gloria, at 1:39 午後  


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