La Vie Avec Amusement

水曜日, 4月 22, 2009


下個月連出Centrum同Centrum Select兩個新雜誌廣告,前者已經到打稿對色階段,後者今日下午到影樓拍攝。





  • wow~that's so cool! I thought you are giving the bike away as gift...I would ask you for it if so!

    Hey, how about a Mrs. Liao and Mrs. Ng bike outing....?

    By Blogger Salad, at 10:52 午後  

  • 其實我只係麻麻地識踏,應該話係唔識停,哈哈。

    By Blogger Gloria, at 10:59 午後  

  • Hey, I thought you were the latest poster girl.....until I took the time to read the Chinese blurp : )

    You really look the part!

    By Blogger Shirley, at 9:58 午前  

  • It was a demo, I took the pic while the talent was doing make up..."Fortunately" I will not be in the real print ad as this is CENTRUM SELECT print (for people 50+)...haha

    By Blogger Gloria, at 11:04 午前  

  • Gloria...
    so you can learn how to bike lah!!!

    Let's see if the others know how! Biking seems fun~~~~~

    By Blogger Salad, at 9:33 午後  


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