posted by Gloria at 6:03 午後
By chris, at 10:23 午後
其實Panasonic頗user friendly,而且外型比Canon輕巧。以我日日帶相機跟身,輕係好緊要。
By Gloria, at 10:42 午後
有10日時間試部新機? Why 10 days? Are you going anywhere in 10 days?
By Connie, at 12:11 午前
By Gloria, at 12:14 午前
By Salad, at 1:38 午前
I read this and thought is quite funny and true...share with you:獅子座萬萬不能從事的職業--消防隊隊員獅子天生對燦爛的東西情有獨衷,尤其是熊熊大火更能激盪獅子心中的情感。那麼如果獅子當上了消防隊隊員,當別人拿著消防栓趕著撲滅大火時,獅子座八成在一旁面對著燒得越來越旺的火焰瘋狂的培養著自己的感情,直到說出一些豪言壯語,火也基本燒盡,一堆灰讓房子的主人非拿刀滅了獅子不可。
By Salad, at 12:14 午前
I don't think it is true to describe me...I like anything DARK...vampire, death, gothic...I don't have much passion as described in there.I might be something do with my Moon sign as well.Just the self-centred behaviour of LEO describes me; as I don't have much interest in other people.
By Gloria, at 12:40 午前
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當人過了一秒 上一秒就已經過去囉 過去是用來懷念 是用來回億 是用來累積經驗的 而不是用來沉溺和羈絆 每過一秒 上一秒就會成為人生中的一個精采畫面 何不讓下一秒作為一個經典呢
做自己的主人,不要比別人牽著鼻子走。 典型獅子座,凡事大而化之;對事隨心,對人隨緣。
By chris, at 10:23 午後
其實Panasonic頗user friendly,而且外型比Canon輕巧。以我日日帶相機跟身,輕係好緊要。
By Gloria, at 10:42 午後
有10日時間試部新機? Why 10 days? Are you going anywhere in 10 days?
By Connie, at 12:11 午前
By Gloria, at 12:14 午前
By Salad, at 1:38 午前
I read this and thought is quite funny and true...share with you:
By Salad, at 12:14 午前
I don't think it is true to describe me...I like anything DARK...vampire, death, gothic...I don't have much passion as described in there.
I might be something do with my Moon sign as well.
Just the self-centred behaviour of LEO describes me; as I don't have much interest in other people.
By Gloria, at 12:40 午前
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