La Vie Avec Amusement

水曜日, 5月 31, 2006

Relaxing Tea Room

Connie岩岩去完泰國返黎,約左佢去金百利7/F既Relaxing Tea Room tea一tea。咁近,臨時call埋奶奶落黎join我地。


叫左個Waffle wif 玫瑰syrup,當然唔少得至愛既咖啡啦。





  • 去曼谷, you can go 喪食同喪massage at a very reasonable cost. Not bad ga!

    By Blogger Connie, at 12:49 午前  

  • 亞四,我今日都o係銅鑼灣呀~~

    By Blogger vanannie, at 1:32 午前  

  • 我都會揀日本~~~

    By Blogger Salad, at 1:39 午前  

  • 呢間tea house都唔差喎,幾夠靜。只係樓下電梯少,食飯時間就有o的麻煩。

    By Blogger Christina, at 3:48 午前  

  • Hey...

    I want to eat eat eat all the times, too.

    However,... I just make a bet with someone else (hope that I'm not losing AGAIN).

    I need to loose at least 15lb - 20lb to impress someone.

    Deadline: not later than 30 June (TOUGH).

    By the way, you should work for TVB as an anchor lar.

    I'm really getting tired of seeing Kathy Chow on the shows.

    By Blogger Verdi, at 8:28 午前  

  • 其实曼谷真的不错的拉,

    By Blogger 阿二, at 10:21 午前  

  • Haha, Cathy Chow has lots of room to put on weight but I haven't.

    Losing so much weight in one month is tough, but you can try skipping dinner (or just fruit after sunset). It might work ^^

    Good Luck on your bet!

    By Blogger Gloria, at 1:40 午後  

  • Skipping one meal is no good at all for dieting. It is better to have more vegetables & fruits than meat for dinner.

    By Blogger Christina, at 3:34 午前  

  • Agree. One should not skip meals when dieting. It's easy to loose control and over-eat if you have skipped the previous meal. Controlling the quantity you eat may be better. Eating 3 meals a day with fruit as snacks in between meals la!

    By Blogger Connie, at 11:56 午後  


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