La Vie Avec Amusement

火曜日, 9月 05, 2006


真係唔想再講條數,連我自己都覺得好奄悶。總之係今日day end前阿Paul都仲未決定到06條數,唯有同美國講defer一day。


奶奶星期五又去日本;簡直個個月可成團咁滯。今次帶埋Moly & 阿Lee去東京參加言生既「見面會」;一個連rundown有乜都唔知就收你幾舊水,兼要自己貼埋機票仆過去既活動。





  • 今晚好開心啊,睇o下annie拎住隻蟹個樣就知啦! 難得有十個齊齊食飽又笑飽,又可以同阿四減o下壓o忝。

    By Blogger Christina, at 12:47 午前  

  • 我諗全場比我地調戲得最多既,都係傳菜既叔台咯。

    By Blogger Gloria, at 12:51 午前  

  • Not only Gloria, 今晚我都減到壓 :-)
    好開心^^ Tomorrow 再 a za a za fighting lor!

    By Blogger Connie, at 12:58 午前  

  • Proposed BKK trip:
    Nov 2 (Thurs) to 5 (Sun): BKK 4D3N
    I'll go to Hua Hin in the afternoon of Nov 5 (Sun).

    Main points only, eh?

    By Blogger Connie, at 1:03 午前  

  • 我聽日返去告定假先,just in case!!

    By Blogger Gloria, at 1:51 午前  

  • 真係好正o架~~~~~~

    By Blogger vanannie, at 2:30 午前  

  • 我31號先由大阪返到咋喎,2號又去係咪好過份呢?

    By Blogger Christina, at 3:20 午前  

  • 日本o的show通常都唔會預先俾你知rundown。總之七千幾日元o既見面會算幾貴o架,同樣咁多錢睇阿van,都又唱又跳流o左唔少汗啦。唱歌?除非佢學番兩隻日文歌啦,否則無乜驚喜o者。

    By Blogger Christina, at 3:26 午前  

  • 佢唔走音咪係驚喜囉。

    By Blogger Gloria, at 6:55 午前  

  • 我号都好似系长周添,

    By Blogger 阿二, at 11:26 午前  

  • 4号....

    By Blogger 阿二, at 11:35 午前  

  • Really enjoy the dinner. Guess I haven't laugh so much for a long time la.

    Too bad that can't join you girls to BKK. Nov is impossible for me.

    By Blogger Annie, at 11:46 午後  

  • 31號返到...2號又去...又好似...少少過份哦...I can't make it from 9-12/11号 ah! My other colleague is going to BKK that week and another one is taking study leave. So I have to work on that weekend :-(

    By Blogger Connie, at 12:05 午前  

  • 阿二你都係快d遞假紙啦。


    By Blogger Gloria, at 1:35 午前  

  • Which hotel? Haven't thought of it yet. There are so many nices hotels we can choose from. Emporium Suites is my favourite (decent area, very close to station, lots of nearby day spa, nice swimming pool, yummy breakfast too) but I have been there twice and I really don't mind trying others. Have you heard of any good ones lately? Better be close to a sky train station.

    By Blogger Connie, at 1:45 午前  

  • 等我返工問o下泰仔michael先。

    By Blogger Gloria, at 7:41 午前  


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