La Vie Avec Amusement

金曜日, 4月 13, 2007


雖然未試到「新b記」,但TownGas Avenue個Set Lunch一d都唔差喎

Chicken Salad with Bread
Grilled東星班with Strawberry Sauce
Lime & Chocolate Tarrine


麵包出乎意料地好食,東星亦都頗厚肉。最攪野係甜品,青檸味就唔覺,反而好重香茅味!一問之下,原來真係落左lemon grass......



  • So yummy....and I only had a 20 min meal break at "da ga lok" today.......

    By Blogger Connie, at 12:51 午前  

  • not bad lor - good recovery. The day was not lost with a good lunch afterall.

    I have been plagued with team issues,too. People being selfish, spending too much time talking about process, so they can sliver out of doing any real work.
    - Sigh -

    By Blogger Shirley, at 5:48 午前  

  • Same here, though I have good colleagues, but tons and tons of work and Emails, that's why I am in office now 7:25am on a Sat morning.....

    By Blogger Gloria, at 7:28 午前  

  • 未幫趁綠楊村之前,多數o黎呢度食晏,因為環境幾舒服。最初o的咖啡好鬼難飲,俾我百彈朋友鬧得多,終於換o左供應商,而家ok喇。

    By Blogger Christina, at 5:48 午後  

  • 我就第一次去,喜出望外呢。

    By Blogger Gloria, at 7:09 午後  


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