La Vie Avec Amusement

木曜日, 4月 12, 2007


呢兩日唔係開會見唔同既research house,就係忙住攪裕利鑊鑊新鮮既"蘇州"。

自己既pending jobs堆積如山,Emails都遲左兩日無覆。


今日發現對面夠膽死,由去年底,唔用d近期既Caltrate + Soy反用遠期去做repack,仲要出晒街。導致有成5000+枝唔夠一年期既貨積存,引起我懷疑調查後先知。連爆粗都無力,唯有嘆氣。

呢鑊我一定搵佢地"算帳",幾十萬既write off要佢地哽左佢!




  • It's been terrible for me also these few weeks, working long hours, lots of problems, plus relatives and family medical problems. Am so very very tired. My secretary doesn't even know how to squeeze in more meetings on my schedule. Like today, function ran till 11pm, need to reach hospital tmr at 8:30am.

    Hope physically would not 'lum dong'. Will have a trip early May and the big boss will come in May which I need to do presentations etc. :(

    By Blogger Annie, at 12:48 午前  

  • Annie你都要小心自己身體呀!

    By Blogger Christina, at 1:40 午前  

  • afterall都只係工一份,太多會開就真係要delegate d比同事去,叫佢地匯報比你啦。

    By Blogger Gloria, at 1:51 午前  

  • 呢牌我都死得,

    By Blogger 阿二, at 1:33 午後  

  • What the heck is going on this week?? 我呢面都super lum檔. 1/3 of the staff is either on annual leave or sick leave. (Those who do not have quota for annual will call sick....) In-patients may have to wait for up to 18-20 hrs before they receive the 1st dose of drug while out-patients have to stand in line for 1 hrs+ waiting to pick up the Rx. (Shame on us...) Drs finished clinic at 7pm today (supposed to be finished before 5pm). 我地唔爆粗D patients 都爆粗la!

    By Blogger Connie, at 10:49 午後  

  • Thank you all.

    The problem is, the majority of the meetings are with my subordinates ga, they are the ones that 'consume' most of my time. :(

    By Blogger Annie, at 10:50 午後  

  • Oh, everyone needs to take care ah.

    By Blogger Annie, at 10:55 午後  

  • 哈哈,我而家仲掙扎緊,聽朝應該返工,定留番屋企煲劇。

    By Blogger Gloria, at 10:57 午後  

  • 唔返工? What about your pending jobs + unreplied e-mails?? "ley dab ley....ho wor mei ga" Go to bed early tonight and go to work tomorrow la, pal! (Have to work both Sat and Sun this weekend >o<

    By Blogger Connie, at 12:48 午前  


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