La Vie Avec Amusement

日曜日, 8月 20, 2006


早排網上用出生年月日同時間,check自己既rising sign,答案竟然係好X麻煩既天蠍座(梁師奶就係此星座既表表者)!!

真係覺得難以置信同接受,因為自問我無論裡裡外外,都好似本open book咁;一d都唔難估。

今朝響Starbucks,終於都刨完本牛津字典咁厚既"How to Read Your Star Signs"原來我當初key in自己出生時間既時候,唔記得減8小時去轉返英國既GMT時間。真係死蠢! 一睇之下,哈,原來自己既rising sign,唔係天蠍,而正正就係自己既太陽星座,獅子座!!



太陽星座的外在影響一直都是顯而易見的, 上昇星座是一種不需思考即反應出的人格展現;只有在對你有深刻了解,或是你不覺得要防範的人面前,才會展現出來;尤其是當你自己獨處,或是和自己的家人、親近的人相處時。這種人格變化,不會在面對陌生人及很多人的時候展現出來。



"Being dutiful and caring towards your family, you show your love for them by helping them in a practical way or by giving them material things, rather than by open displays of affection or of verbal love."

"You are reliable, businesslike, tidy and efficient in all that you do; being loyal and trustworthy, you would never betray a confidence."

"Your mind is very clear and logical, your thinking is usually along realistic lines and you prefer to think before acting"

"You can take practical decisions almost instantly and will go anywhere at the drop of a hat; when decisions have an emotional content, this is not so easy"


"Your parental home was probably comfortable and your parents fairly well off. They may not have been rich but they would have been respectable. Although home life was comfortable and, on the whole, peaceful, you do not seem to have been spoiled as a child because you were expected to behave in a reasonable and responsible manner."

"You can appear arrogant and demanding, but for most part you are liked and admired"

"Treat your partner in a slightly Aquarian manner, thereby giving him space and freedom to be himself. You are incredibly difficult to please because you prefer a partner who is capable, independent and intrinisically fascinating, but at the same time you cannot stand too much competition"

我第一條仔係水瓶座,但唔多work out喎;唔通我要打電話問番佢既月亮星座同上昇星座?


  • hahaha...

    Seems you are very happy in knowing the truth on your Rising Star...

    mmmm... It's time for you to explore your Moon Sign... Virgo.

    The intuition could help in developing a multi-dimensional self of yours.

    Seeing things differently is always fun.

    By Blogger Verdi, at 12:56 午後  

  • But moon sign are more prominent when you are small, and tends to hide away under your own consciousness.....

    Am I shy in any ways?????

    Will my LEO character be so dominating that I just simply not notice the Virgo nature in me?

    Somewhat puzzled on the moon sign.

    By Blogger Gloria, at 1:01 午後  

  • The Leo part is so true about you!

    Mind telling me the author of the book? would love to check it out for myself. Thx

    By Blogger Shirley, at 10:03 午前  

  • The author is Sasha Fenton. But this book is quite old, published in UK,1998.

    Can check Toronto library though to see if they have it...^^

    By Blogger Gloria, at 11:16 午前  


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